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Iridium Certus Service Touching Every Market Corner

Iridium Certus Service
Touching Every Market Corner #

Iridium Certus is pushing the boundaries of every corner of the market with Iridium’s brand new satellite constellation. While boasting speeds of up to 1.4Mbps Iridium Certus brings people together even while they are a world away. With speeds such as this businesses can realize the true potential of their operations and push the limits of their business model. No matter what your corner of the market is the Iridium Certus Service brings high-quality connections with the best hardware in the business.

Businesses, oil and gas refineries, government workers, NGOs, first responders, the military, boaters, vacationers, forestry services, explorers, campers, truckers, and the list just keeps going on and on! With Iridium you can always count on a good quality signal wherever you are on the globe and now you can connect with high-speed Internet so you can push your operations to their limits; even if it is just for your own personal connection. Going with the Iridium Certus Service brings a whole new avenue of personal and business management no matter the size or budget that you are working with. Please feel free to contact Apollo SatCom anytime 24/7 with any questions.

Iridium is a multinational satellite communications firm that offers voice and data services to customers anywhere on the planet.
Iridium’s network links people and devices in the farthest reaches of the globe as well as close to home thanks to its constellation of satellites. Iridium is the only network that completely covers the globe because of its distinctive constellation architecture.
Cross-linking satellites creates dependable, low-latency, weather-resistant links that make it possible to communicate anywhere in the world. In addition to satellite phones and Internet of Things (IoT) terminals, Iridium also develops mobile connectivity solutions. Additionally, Iridium makes its fundamental technology available to its community of partners so they may create Iridium Connected products and services for people, organizations, and governments all around the world.

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